Ok, now we have a dilemma. So we live in Mazatlan more then 1/2 the year and have a house we rent. I have many items I "need" down in Mazatlan. All household items. Lids to my pots that are already down there, toaster oven, linens, clothes, shoes, pillows, sewing machine, sewing supplies, outdoor lights, etc.
We did this last year and attempted to bring down a lot of my household items. We packed the car up so tight, we had to put the convertible top down just to take everything out. We left many of our belongings here as they wouldn't fit into the car. It's likely the same thing will happen again.
What has happened to wanting a life of of simplicity? I believe it is a good thing to do but I also can tell how spoiled I am wanting all these possessions with me. I've read books, magazine articles, listen to talks all on the subject of living a life of simplicity. You'd think it would rub off, especially when it's a good thing. Anyone else struggle with this? How do you handle it? Voluntary simplicity is about freedom. It’s about owning your own life; your stuff not owning you. Right now this stuff is owning me. Because of wanting to carry this stuff from place to place, it is loading us down, costing us more money and causing stress. Shouldn't this be an easy decision? We've gotten past the getting another vehicle for more room. (and by the way, it wasn't for just more room, but that was the main reason) Next we need to decide if we are going to use DHL, and last of all, can I leave items here to make all of this more simple? TBC
DHL will be very pricey. Make a list of priorities, then whittle THAT down. There are so many sales here, people leaving, thrift stores, the Tianguis..now THAT is the ticket! Personally, I think a minivan is a great idea. Holds furniture, you can take trips, etc. Our Toyota is a godsend and we took all the seats out of the back but one. Anyway, I know you will figure it out.
ReplyDeleteI won't be any help...I too am a mini-van person. It is the only style I can get in and out of without too much distress. And it holds my power scooter behind the third seat. Am hoping to upgrade sometime to the kind that has stow-n-go seats, as you don't take them out, just fold them down. Good luck on deciding!!
ReplyDeleteZoe is right-about the thrift stores- I am sure you LOVE going looking for bargains there and it would be fun. Figure out what you really need there and improvise until you find things down there. Shipping would be costly. Your son is right about trading cars every few years- unless you keep the convert and get a mini van which for you two probably doesnt make sense- I would stay with what you have and try this year leaving a lot behind and see what you can find down there. But then you two have the final say--good luck with that one.
ReplyDeleteI can appreciate the idea of a mini van for the comfort it would give to you Janice in making that long ride to Mazatlan. I agree with your son that it is not something you should do just for getting wanted items down there and then trading it in fairly soon. Guess you two need to decide if a mini van is something you would be happy keeping for say 5 to 6 years. The items you listed seem to fall into the necessity and needed category more so than "want" . Another thought is to prioritize and each year take what you can until you have everything you need there. I know, really no help, but thought I would at least chime in with a few thoughts. Hope you are doing well and fully healed now from the bike accident.
ReplyDeleteAnytime making a financial decision like this is a serious one. Some times our wants really overshadow our needs and whats best for us. So often we make decisions based on this. Gail, if we go ahead with the mini-van, it does need to be for at least 5 years. To all of you, we did the prioritizing yesterday. We found out it was going to cost more to ship DHL then what the items where worth, so that option is out. Leaving the items are not an option for me. So off to see my son Jason and his good friend Mike to see if we can make the negotiations of the mini-van work. The work part at this point is getting the registration and plates here in less then 2 weeks guaranteed. Border crossing would be tough at best if we didn't have that. (more to follow)Janice
ReplyDeleteCool beans! I knew the shipping would be pretty awful. There are SO many people that come down from your direction, that I bet you could find several that would each take a box or two ...IF you didn't get the van. You could also delay your departure for a week or so until the proper items arrived.(plates, regist.) We did two trips in our van..one with all the household stuff we wanted, the second for me and the dogs..and stuff we brought down for Te Amo Lucy's.
ReplyDeleteImportant! You need the title to the mini-van to brin it across, and I don't think WA will get it to you in 2 weeks, you need to check.