Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sea Glass Find - 1 in 200 -300

Had I known there was glass to be found here on the coast we would have been looking from the first day we got here. In 3 days the following picture is what Joel and I have found. Can you imagine the journey this glass has been on? Whose hands it has been in? How many years before it arrived to the Mediterranean coast?

According to the information below, my cobalt blue sea glass is 1 out of 200 - 300 pieces to be found. I'm jazzed. I have now a few semi-rare sea foam green. I guess next I will be learning how to make sea glass jewelry.
(credits to the find is: Joel Whitaker)

Credits from the following information about the rarity of sea glass goes to:

The Colors Of Sea Glass
   Where Do They Come From?

Colorized glass and the sea glass color wheel

...Just where do the colors of beach glass come from? Sea Glass is simply old glass products that were thrown in the sea. If you think about it, the common colors of sea glass, Green, Brown & White are in wide use today......Rarer colors of sea glass are pieces that the color has not been made or used commercially for many years.
While I have broken the colors into rarity categories, it is a general rule and not to be carved in stone (or glass!) as certain colors can be found more readily in some areas. For Example, lavender glass can be a rarity in areas Abundant in Maine & Canada but hardly ever found in the islands. Next time you're in an antique shop or flea market, look at the glass items and see if you haven't found a piece of glass this color! 

My Jewelry section is broken up into the following categories of rarity.
Very Common, Common to Unique - White, Green, Brown found in most beach combing locations through out the world. Unique colors are Greens Browns and Whites glass with age, thickness or patterning.

Somewhat Rare, Rare to Extremely Rare - Sea foam Green (light green) Cobalt Blue, Lavender, Light Aqua, Amber, Rarer Greens Light Blue, Lime Green, Red, Orange, Yellow, Gray, Teal, Pink, Aqua, Opaque Glass (Milk White, Jadeite)

Treasure Chest Colors - Those pieces of glass that are so unique and usually maintain a pattern or shape of the original source (i.e. bottle stoppers, marbles, embossed glass pieces, pattern glass, old glass tiles

Common Colors to Unique
Green Glass comes in a wide range of shades and hues. Heineken bottles, Rolling Rock, and lots of red wines come in green bottles still today .There is a wide variation of green though and common green generally refers to a kelly green. Older green glass could be considered Unique if bubbled or patterned, embossed or textured.
2 In 10 Pieces Of Sea Glass Found Will Be Common Green

Brown Glass is also an old and new color. Budweiser beer and lots of others come in a brown bottle, but I've also found old clorox and Lysol bottles (yes kids, Clorox did used to come in a glass bottle as did everything else!) with the imprinting still on them.
3-4 in 10 pieces Sea Glass Found Will Be Common Brown
White - well that can come from just about anywhere from a new soda bottle to an old pane of glass. You can usually determine how old your white glass is by the thickness and any markings or bubbles. Many angular shapes of sea glass are white pieces (maybe because it was once window glass from a storm wrecked cottage or auto glass from off shore dumping and reef formation.)
4 In 10 Pieces Of Sea Glass Found Will Be Clear or White

Somewhat Rare To Rare
These colors are not in wide use today so there is no new source for them but they were used widely in the past.
Sea foam Green - While the most common source for this lovely shade of light green glass was most likely an old Coco Cola bottle made in various parts of the world. The shades vary from a light seafoam green to yellow green to light aqua's. Transport was difficult so many of these bottles were manufactured locally, hence the color variations in old coke bottles.
A lot of older white glass however, had a greenish tint and depending on thickness and whether bubbles are present, could be an old piece of rarer glass. New glass of this shade is still used for wine bottles.
50 In a 100 Sea Glass Pieces Found Will be Sea foam Green
Cobalt Blue - there were many items made for this; Phillips Milk of Magnesia, Noxema, Bromo Seltzer, even Alka Seltzer used to come in a tall blue glass tube. Many medicines and even poisons were bottled in cobalt blue glass. The magical like quality of blue glass is why it was used for medicine and why you still get that thrill finding one. Among the most desirable of sea glass colors considered lucky as it is very lucky to find one now.
1 In 200 - 300 Sea Glass Pieces Found Will Be Cobalt Blue (Dark Blue)

Lavender - I find quite a lot of lavender and this glass has a neat history. You see the chemical used to make glass white (glass in its raw state usually has a greenish tint to it, like an old coke bottle) well, this chemical came from Germany.
When W.W.I broke out the chemical could no longer be used and the replacement chemical that was used turned glass lavender over a period of time. IT's kind of neat to think when you find a piece of this color, you can date it!
Lavender glass is abundant in some areas and non existent in others.
True purple glass is much rarer. In our English Sea Glass collection, it averages one in 5000 pieces as true lavender glass was reserved for the Monarchy (showing Royalty) and for the Bishops in the church.
1 In 300 - 500 Pieces of Sea Glass Found Will Have A Lavender Hue
Rarer Greens - Can range from Deep Aqua Greens to Emerald Greens. I have some pieces of deep aqua green that are so dark, it is hard to tell what color they are. Most of this glass is very thick, so the theory holds it is most likely older glass (as new glass is very thin in most applications)
Light Blue or Cornflower Blue-
Light blue was used before printed labels were adhered to bottles. Made with the same cobalt chemical as the darker glass. The product name was embossed on the glass and this was easier to read on a lighter color glass. When printed labels started to appear, the color of the bottle went darker.
1 In 500-700 Sea Glass Pieces Found Will Be Light Blue (Cornflower Blue)
Lime Green - A glass I have yet to find an exact original source (pictured here is a modern Blenko bottle) for but believe to have been used in beverage bottles in the mid1900's) can be found in some areas but non existent in others. This may be because the soda or beverages that used this glass were local and not national companies . Most lime green glass is not thick so it indicates that it is a more relatively modern glass source, yet localized to certain areas.
1 In 500 Sea Glass Pieces Found Will Be Lime Green (Chartreuse)

Extremely Rare Colors
Red & Orange - Red is the hope diamond of sea glass (or riptide rubies TM - a coin I have termed for the most desirable of sea glass colors). One of the most common sources for ruby red glass was made by Anchor Hocking Glass Company for both decorative household items and in a 1950's Schlitz Beer bottle (bottle bottom pictured here with sea glass piece & Bottle with label). I've been told there used to be a brewery on Long Island that made a beer called "Red Bottle Beer" and that you used to be able to find lots of red glass up there, As for other shades of red glass I can only think of running lights on boats (you know - red right return) or decorative household glass which in itself is a rarity because gold was actually used as the compound to turn glass red.
Orange was also most likely from an old decorative household item. In the tons of sea glass I have personally collected, I have only ever been fortunate to get 5 pieces of orange.
Pictured here (left) is a Borden Milk bottle that could have also been the source for this lovely red glass!
1 In 5,000 Sea Glass Pieces Found Will Be Ruby Red (Anchor Hocking Glass)
1 In 10,000 Sea Glass Pieces Found Will Be Brilliant Red or Orange
Gray - Could be old leaded crystal or new tinted window glass.
Teal & Aqua
- Very desirable this shade of glass on one of the rarest. Teal or turquoise is an older source. I have several old seltzer bottles from NYC that are this great shade. Deep aqua glass could have been a Ball canning jar or insulator used on electric poles in the early 1900's. Decorative glass like stained glass and house wares could also be a source.
Milk White, Jadeite, Opaque Blue- A lot of these glasses were made by fireing in the mid 1900's mostly for household items (dishes etc..) but there were some commercial uses of the opaque white glass. I have a half of an old ball jar lid liner that is milk glass.
1 In 1000 Sea Glass Pieces Found Will Be Deep Aqua (Turquoise)

I hope you have had some success in finding glass yourself.
Until next time, Janice

1 comment:

  1. That was interesting. I have a whole bowl filled with sea glass that was left at another house we had rented. Now I want to go look at the colors and see what we have.I know there is sea foam and lavender. Now where did I put it??? Maybe I will give it to you. Maybe.
