Saturday morning, St. Patrick's day we turned over our home and Ollie to Mike and Sandie, loaded the car and started our trip to Southern and Central Mexico.
Agave fields every where you look.
We are on our way to the town of Tequila, where the agave gods
are brewing up the main ingredient of margaritas.
Statues and fountains of all sizes made by chipping away at large rocks.
On Sunday morning we ate a good breakfast and headed out to Guadalajara, but Joel chose the wrong road and it took us 2 hours instead of 45 minutes to clear Guadalajara, a city of 8 million people. We then took a scenic route to San Miguel that took longer, but we saw great small towns and agricultural lands of Mexico. The soil was black and the crops and cattle reminded Joel of Iowa. You could tell the farmers were prosperous there. We stopped in a small town and had a great Chinese lunch. Yup, in the middle of Mexico we enjoyed Chinese food. We finally arrived in San Miguel Allende, drove around and then spent an hour stuck on narrow, cobble stone streets until we finally, with the help of Janice's phone calls to discover our place.
The next day we woke up to find our apartment had no water. It let us know our decision to change residences was a good decision. We went out to breakfast and located our new hotel's parking. Joel packed up and we drove to the hotel's parking. We took our luggage and stowed it behind the front desk of the hotel as it was still to early to check in. We then walked the centro of San Miguel Allende. We both fell in love with city. There were cobbled stones streets, beautiful churches, and many shops and art galleries. At 3:00 we checked into our hotel. Our fates changed 180 degrees from yesterday. Before we weren't given what we paid for, today we were given a suite, it was two floors. The lower floor has a beautiful kitchen, living room and full bathroom, dining area and fireplace. The second floor has a king sized bed and a full bath. Also there is a private patio a couple steps up. We enjoyed settling into our new digs and enjoyed some cerveza, vino and some food on the patio. We've taken many pictures of the view from our patio.
Our private patio off our bedroom in our hotel room.
We have made reservations for a trip to Guanajuato for Wednesday. We will explore Fabrica de Aurora on Thursday. We have many places we want to see in this very short time. We will post again on Friday.
All part of the journey,isn't it? Your new place looks so nice. Isn't it amazing how different a picture can be from actuality? Enjoying your trip along with you vicariously.