Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The operation: One week after

Hello Family and Friends:

It is now one week since my ankle was operated on. Except for a few short outings I have been housebound with my right leg elevated. This occurred the same time our move was scheduled to the condo on the Malecon. Janice has had her hands full. We are now moved in, our TV satellite dish has been moved, and the TV is up and running. Yesterday our internet and local phone was installed, so we are near to normal house-wise. Yes, there are many things to hang and other decorating, but now it is home. Our friend Judith did a lot of the unpacking and helped clean our old place and has been Janice's right hand during this entire ordeal. Friends Patrick and Sandi also were a big help to us during this time. They visited me in the hospital, ran a couple errands for Janice, helped hang shelving and again came and visited me here at home. They also made a few runs bringing over smaller boxes. We appreciate them so much! The other thing we want to mention is we've had some friends bring meals to us as well to help us out. Thank you to each of you!

Now on to the story of the operation. On Tuesday, April 10 I checked into the surgical hospital at 8:00 A.M. The nurses immediately started preparing me for the operation. The IV was attached and my vital signs taken. I also was changed into hospital chic, the gown that was fastened at the back. At 8:30 Dr. Gaytan, my principal physician came in and let me know he was here and that I was going to be taken to the operating room at 9:00 A.M. The other members of the surgical team were to be there as well. At. 9:00, on schedule I was wheeled to the operating room. Already there was the anesthesiologist, the cardiologist, the surgeon and Dr. Gaytan. Dr Gaytan introduced the other Dr's to me as well as the two nurses that were assisting. He explained the surgery would take 2 to 2 1/2 hours and I would be conscious as they would have a spinal anesthetic.

Immediately I was given the spinal and in about 15 minutes the operation was started. I was able to hear what was going on, but luckily I wasn't able to see what was going on. I could hear various grinders and cutting tools, but I felt nothing. In a little over 2 hours the operation was finished and I was wheeled back to my room where Janice was waiting. Dr. Gaytan came up soon after and explained what had happened. They found things better than they expected, so they only needed a small piece of my tibia and three internal screws to complete the fusing on the three joints and replacing damaged bone with the bone from my tibia. Everything was completed internally and no outside screws were needed. The nurses checked my vital signs and made sure a pain medicine drip was working. Later the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, and the cardiologist each came separately to talk to me. All assured me that everything went with no problems. The rest of the day I just relaxed and after an hours I told Janice to go take care of other business as I would rest most of the day. The nurses showed me how to use my bathroom tools. Janice came back later to spend more time with me.

I slept well Tuesday night and the pain medication seemed to work. Janice came over after breakfast and spent an hour; then had to go supervise our move. Twice my cardiologist visited me, Dr. Gaytan visited me and checked me for infection. Dr. Vego, the surgeon came and checked the surgery and changed the dressing. He showed me the multiple stitches and said although there was swelling, it didn't appear to be infected. Many times my temperature was taken and my blood pressure was taken. During the second visit my cardiologist smiled and told me that my vital signs were perfect and my slightly elevated temperature had returned to normal. Besides being tired, I felt okay. Janice came to see me at close to 10:00 PM and told me everything was moved out and the old place was cleaned. I could tell that she was tired, so I told her a goodnight kiss was welcome, but then she should go home and get some sleep.

I slept well on Wednesday. My cardiologist, Dr. Inzuzuna, came in at 9:00 and said I was well enough to go home later this morning. At. 10:00 Dr. Gaytan came in and authorized my release. Now came the hard part. Beside my IV in my arm, there was also a IV in my spine with a large bandage holding it in place. As I am quite hirsute the removal of the large bandage that held the IV in by back was painful. I felt like the guy in "The Forty Year Old Virgin" while the wax was removed from his chest. At a little after 11:00 Janice took me home, stopping on the way at the pharmacy to pick up pain pills and antibiotics. As the Dr. instructed me to not put any weight on my right foot and to keep my right leg elevated, I have been close to useless around the house.

On Saturday evening, Dr. Gaytan came to our home and changed my bandages and checked my stitches. He said there was no sign of infection and after I completed my antibiotics in a few days I would not need to take them anymore. The first few days I took the pain meds three times a day. Starting Sunday I went down to twice a day. Now on Tuesday I am decreasing to once a day at bedtime. So far, everything has gone well. Tomorrow the surgeon will change my bandage. A week from tomorrow Dr. Gaytan will take out the stitches. The major problem now is being patient, so I don't get on my feet too soon. I used to think I was a great power loafer, but I found the enforced power loafing is not as much fun. Hopefully, in a few weeks I will have news on my walking; until then, company is welcome to give me some variety. Adios!

(Now from me, Janice. Joel is a great patient and not a complainer. Joel is really doing well in my opinion and having the Sea of Cortez, beach, islands to look at is going to help in the healing process. I am giving him projects to help me that he can do sitting down and this truly is helping me. We have an extra bedroom for company from the states and other friends we've met in our travels in Mexico. Latter end of December we'll have an additional bedroom available also. For now, keep the emails to Joel coming, jus-ducky@hotmail.com. )

1 comment:

  1. Sounds excellent! Great progress - you will find life just too easy now with all of these chores done!
