Thursday, October 8, 2015

Day 12 & 13, Atapuerca to Burgos to Hornillos de Camino

Day 12
It is a great morning, wind calmer and it was a great climb , but rocky. Now to go to Burgos, a city of 155,000.  Fall is coming to Burgos, Spain. A great day, weather perfect and am in a great place. I had planned to continue walking a bit further then Burgos, but when getting here, I knew it would be a great place for a half day off, so only walked 12.4 miles today. Another good day on the Camino. I left early and got into Burgos at 12:15, weather perfect. The Albergue didn't open until 1:00 so have met another great group of young people today. Many were from Canada and Brazil. So, now I have another group of young people who have adopted this Grandpa. We shared cerveza and will meet for dinner tonight. WiFi is across the street and weak, but the Albergue is great, 4 to a room and great showers. I walked for a while with a lady Marathoner from from Brainbridge Island, Washington.
                                       (If I have this right, these were all pictures from around Burgos.)

Day 13
I'm in Hornillos de Camino. Great day, had a great talk with Alisa and Zuza. Zuza is from Hungary.
 I talked with Whitney from Boulder, CO who is a well living director for a senior community.
Also a couple, Larry and Kristina from Tennessee. I notice that they seem to be having a difficult  time walking this together.  I hear this is more common then not.  The young people and I talk about why we were on the Camino and all agreed that I should work with young people, as they felt they could trust me and wasn't judging them. I made friends with a young woman from Lithuania today. She's 20 with massive piercings. Only an observation!  The other kids vouched for me and she is now a friend. I ran into a woman from Iowa. She lives in Spain and is married to to Spanish man. She and a friend are walking the Camino in segment's each year.  I've met many interesting people.

(because wifi has been weak, I've not received any pictures from Joel yet on this part of the trip)

(The last couple days, Joel and my communication has been a bit spotty of strong wifi,  so in between every other word or so, we're managing to talk daily. He's still walking strong and consistent.  Much of his day is walking in solitude, finds his nightly Albergue, rests for awhile, then does a little sightseeing of the village and then enjoys an evening of great visits, dinner & wine with fellow pilgrims.
Thank you for following along.  Just in case any of you would like to send Joel a note of encouragement, here is his email address.
It won't be long and he'll have gone 200 miles with 290 to go.)


  1. So enjoying following your travels, Joel.

  2. Joel we are so inspired by your journey. Hugs Gwen & Brendan xo
