Saturday, April 7, 2012

Surgery in Mexico - Joel 4/10/2013

Hola all, We had originally planned on writing part three of our trip blog, but then things happened so fast we are now writing on Joel's upcoming ankle operation.

We had talked to the Dr. before we left for our central Mexico vacation about the possibility of an operation. When we came back to Mazatlan on March 31, we decided to go forward with the operation. When you think of Mexico you think of things moving slow. In this case there was nothing slow about it.

On Monday, April 2 I took my Drs. instructions to the radiologist. Multiple x-rays were taken of my ankle. On Tuesday I took the x-rays to my Dr. He explained the operation to both of us. He gave instructions for lab tests for Wednesday April 4th and a cardiologist appointment on Thursday April 5. The lab tests turned out great with low cholesterol, normal blood sugar and low triglycerides. At my cardiologist appointment there was an EKG and check x-ray of my chest. At the end of the appointment the Dr. said I was healthy enough for the operation. Later on Thursday April 5th my primary Dr. e-mailed and told me and said he had already talked to the cardiologist and was going forward with the operation for Tuesday April 10th.

I have been using a cane for the last 2 1/2 years due to severe arthritis in my right ankle. It is the only arthritis I suffer from. There is no cartilage in the joints. I have been told this is the result of me continuing to run too soon after some ankle injuries.

The operation will have a team of three Drs. There will be one of two procedures depending on what they find when they are in the ankle. The first will include a plastic plate and screws inside the ankle. There will be bone removed from my hip to replace some damaged bone in the ankle. The other procedure will also have bone from the hip. In this one most of the pins and screws will be external and there will be a large contraption around my lower leg. Either procedure will result of my being in the hospital three days and then being off my feet for several weeks. As my walking has resulted in an uneven pressure on my legs they will have me go through physical therapy to teach me how to walk right again, so there is even pressure when I step. Recovery and the physical therapy will take about three months.

The operation will take place in a surgical hospital in Mazatlan. Several gringos have had positive experiences at the hospital. Also, my primary Dr. was recommended by several expats that have been treated by him. He is a rheumatologist and a fellow Marathon runner. He won't guarantee it, but is hoping that I will be able to run short distances.

Although we have Medicare and a Medicare advantage plan, we decided on having the operation in our hometown of Mazatlan. After factoring the co-pays and high cost of living for several months up north it was about a wash on costs. The idea of being able to recover at home and the competence and reputations of the medical professions tipped the scales to Mazatlan.

We also are moving on April 29th to our condo on the Malecon, so Janice is hiring a woman to help here with packing, unpacking and cleaning and whatever else will take the extra load off of Janice. Many friends have also volunteered to help and to visit me in my recovery and share a cerveza with me once I am off the pain medication. (UPDATE: THE MOVE DATE IS NOW APRIL 11 WHILE JOEL IS IN THE HOSPITAL, WE ARE ROCKING AND ROLLING)

Prayers and best wishes are solicited and welcome. When Joel is up to company everyone will be notified. La vida es buena still in Mazatlan!  (note from me, Janice.  If you would like to send Joel your best wishes, his email address is Thank you also to those who have volunteered to have me over for dinner, or to bring dinner to us during this time.  We can use all the help we can get right now. This has meant so much to me, and to Joel knowing how much our friends care about us.)


  1. With all the dinners YOU do for people all the time, you BETTER get some invites!!! Pay it forward, peeps! It will be interesting to read about the progress after surgery with great hopes all will be solved and no more "boners". (bone on bone)

    1. You are so funny lady. A few already had come to my rescue and there has been a few others. Wonderful people doing amazing things.

  2. Good thoughts and prayers for you - hoping you'll get to experience running again!

    1. We hope he will also Dawn. You'll have to make Mazatlan one of your stops, and you can get the guy out and run on the Malecon. Thinking about you and the kids and hope life is making sense.

  3. Dear Joel and Janice

    I am so thankful that your path to healing is fast approaching. I second your decision to stay in Mexico for the surgery. I have such respect and admiration for health care professionals here and my first hand experience has been terrific. 3 years ago I became quite sick, went to my GP in the village. He examined me and insisted that I have an immediate ultrasound...immediate it was and I was back in my GP's office with image captures and radiologists notes the next day. A couple of days later our doctor drove me to Guadalajara at 5am for surgery, stayed with me to interpret for me and apologized that he would not be able to come and pick me up the following day...As it turned out, my gallbladder had an aggressive malignant tumor in it...I was the 20th such patient in 20 years of medical history, and if I had waited to return to Canada, it would almost certainly have spread to my liver. With years of working as a trauma nurse from NOB, I have developed the highest admiration and respect for the health care professionals in Mexico...they bring a solid knowledge base, and in addition, a generous quotient of humanity and humility...characteristics I have seldom experience anywhere else in the world. Viva Mexico!

    God speed Joel....I wish you a successful surgery, tolerance for the post op journey, optimal surgical outcomes and a chance to run again.

    Enjoy Ajijic as you continue on your healing journey!

    Cheers and Blessings, Jan

    1. Thank you Jan for your thoughts and encouragment here. We are trusting the outcome to be everything and more with what the dr. has said. Remember to let us know if Ajijic opens up before September. :)

  4. How nice that these things move so quickly in Maz! Soon it will be all done and Joel will be on the road to a speedy recovery. All best wishes for a successful operation and a smooth move! Will be thinking of you both from the cold north.

    1. Thanks Kathi, we'll get the bridge tables all set up for May. How does that sound?
      Have a great trip!

  5. I would love to have the both of you over for dinner!!

    I will be thinking of you both on Tuesday... Best wishes for a speedy recovery Joel!!


    1. I know you would have Jackie, and we would have liked the rice Bruce makes also. Less then 24 hours. Love you so much daughter dear, and thanks for the note!
